- Hard cover rigide – 160 pages
- Publisher: Jonk Editions
- Author: Umbertha Richeux
- Language: Français et anglais
- Size: 24.5cm x 24.5cm
- ISBN: 978-2957645015
Released November 5th, 2021.
A word from the author:
Appât de loup, is a compilation of self-portraits of imaginary characters.
It’s a journey through time to the heart of an abandoned Europe.
It’s a perpetual silence, broken only by the footsteps of a woman, the same woman playing a thousand others, just for an instant.
Appât de loup is a collection of stories. Public stories, private and intimate.
Poetic stories. Silent stories. Love Stories.
A word from the publisher:
Umbertha Richeux takes self-portraits in abandoned places using a remote and always in natural light. There is nothing classic about these shots. These are self-portraits of imaginary characters, “A woman who plays a thousand and one others. Women with hair of fire, ash, sky, dressed in evening dress, tulle or their nudity”. Her photos never fall for ease or vulgarity. They are sublime, full of sensitivity, lightness and poetry. It is Umbertha’s first book. She compiled a selection of her best self-portraits since 2012.
“Appât de loup”… It would litteraly translates into Wolf bait in English but makes a play on words in French. Arms, legs and slender bodies, on tiptoe, the women who come to life under Umbertha’s lens are light, airy, moving alone and in silence in wastelands. But couldn’t their loneliness put them in danger? What if these places weren’t really abandoned by everyone? Who knows what might be lurking inside…
I launched my publishing house to release my own projects. Once the machine started, I thought it was a shame not to also publish artists whose work I like. This is the case of Umbertha that I have been following for years. Appât de loup is Jonk Editions’ second project.The books on the theme of models in abandoned places can be counted on the fingers of one hand. That the model was the photographer herself, it just never happened. This book is therefore a first of its kind and I am happy and proud to contribute to the diffusion of the stories told by Umbertha!
Discover Appât de loup and Umbertha’s work in general through Julien Pasternak’s Dans l’œil du photographe podcast. (In French)
Press review:
« Inspirée par l’univers de la BD, la Versaillaise se met en scène depuis 2012 dans des lieux abandonnés qu’elle débusque à travers l’Europe. Ce copieux livre rassemble ses meilleures images. Si l’Urbex avec modèle est devenu un cliché en soi, le travail d’Umbertha trouve son originalité dans la qualité de ses compositions et le fait que le modèle soit aussi la photographe. » Réponses Photo
« Il y a des lieux apparemment abandonnés peuplés de charmants fantômes. » Playboy
« Bienvenue dans une Europe nappée de rêves en couleurs. […] Appât de loup nous conte également une histoire empreinte de poésie et de cœur : une histoire sans paroles. Umbertha Richeux se raconte au fil de 150 clichés, à travers ses différents autoportraits imaginaires : tantôt dénudée, tantôt avec une chevelure flamboyante, ou encore en tenues de soirée en tulle. […] En parcourant les pages de son livre, vous serez séduit par les sublimes images lyriques pleines de sensibilité et de légèreté… En vous penchant sur certaines photos, publiques, privées ou plus intimes, vous allez vous évader sans nul doute de votre quotidien ! » Les Essentiels